Why to wait for six months to start solid?

Till six months we provide nourishment to our little one either through breastmilk or formula. But have this thought ever pop up in your mind that why to wait for six months

Waiting for all this long period is truly worthful. Because before six months your small baby neither have develop skills to swallow nor the digestive system to digest solids food.

And moreover introducing food early can cause upset stomach, allergies and even obesity.

So do wait for six months to start solids and when introducing solids start with semi-solids. And don't forget the three day wait  rule. That is whenever you start giving a solid food, keep on giving it for three days to check any allergic signs. If everything seems normal then switch to other food and do the same. 

So wait for six months then open the book of flavors.

Over to you, Keep sharinG...

Disclaimer: Above information is based on my own experience, Any action you take upon this information is strictly at your own risk.


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