Most common problems during Pregnancy

1. Morning sickness or Nausea

It is very common and occurs due to hormonal changes.
It is worst in the morning, hence also called morning sickness.

 What can be done

  • Eating little and often is the best way to prevent sickness.
  • Eat light food which is easy to digest and doesn't have strong smell.
  • Ginger helps in stopping sickness fast sip ginger tea or have ginger biscuits.

2.Back pain

It occurs due to hormone relaxin, which softens and stretches your ligaments to make space for your baby. As he grows, your weight is pull forward and causes back pain.

What can be done

  • Practice good posture. During continuous working hours, get up and walk every hour.
  • Wear flat footwear's.
  • Relax your arching muscles in a warm bath.
  • Use extra pillows in the bed.

3. High blood pressure

It can be dangerous for your baby. The best way is to lower your stress levels.

What can be done

  • Take out some time for yourself and relax. Yoga, swimming and listening are some of the ways.
  • Eat garlic to lower your blood pressure.
  • Acupuncture can be useful and is safe during pregnancy, consult your doctor for it.

4. Elephant ankles

It is caused by the extra blood circulating, causing skin tissue to retain water.

What can be done

  • Put your feet up, which will stop the fluid going to your ankles.
  • Take a walk everyday to help your circulation and prevent swelling.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Wear flip-flops instead of tight shoes

5. Cramp in the legs

Cramps in the legs occurs due to the deficiency of magnesium, potassium and calcium.  So try a pregnancy supplement for this.

What can be done

  • Stretch your calf muscle before you get into bed might help.
  • Whenever you are sitting down circling your ankles can decrease the cramps.
  • Apply a hot water bottle or warm towel. 

6. Food craving

Carving for food is common. You just need to have healthy foods.
In contrast if you carve for non- foods like clay,mud etc, report to your doctor it can be dangerous to you and your baby.

7. Constipation

High hormone levels during pregnancy slows down the movement of food through your intestine.

What can be done

  • Be active
  • Take fiber rich food
  • Increase your liquid intake

8. Fatigue

It's common to feel exhausted as your body is working hard to support a growing baby.

What can be done

  • Eat healthy diet and take plenty of rest and sleep.
  • Do take iron supplements or any other medicine recommended by your doctor.
  • Eat iron and protein rich foods.

Disclaimer: Above information is based on my own experience, Any action you take upon this information is strictly at your own risk.

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