Did You Know these Facts about your Baby

Every baby is unique in his own way but there are some facts that is common in all the babies. You might don't know about these facts which has been stated after deep research. 

So get ready to be amazed!!

A baby's eyes are 75% of their adult size.

All babies are born with 300 bones in their body. As they grow some of their bones fuse together leaving them with 206 by the time they are grown up.

Your baby influences your heart rate. Yes, you read it right. It's been discovered that when mother and newborn faced and looked each other in the eye,their heart rates co-ordinates in seconds.

A baby can breathe and swallow at the same time until 7 months of age.

A newborn baby's heart beats 130 to 160 times per minute, about twice the heart rate of a normal adult.

New born babies are nearsighted at birth, they can see things only upto 8 to 10 inches away from their face.

Babies double their birth weight in 5 months.

Newborn don't shed tears as their tear ducts aren't fully develop so they just produce enough tear to lubricate and protect your baby's eyes.

A baby has around 10,000 taste buds, far more than adults.

And last but the most popular one...

Babies put everything in their mouth to explore object's taste, texture and shape.

Over to you friends, Keep sharinG.

Disclaimer: Above information is based on my own experience, Any action you take upon this information is strictly at your own risk.

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