What shouldn't be ignored during pregnancy?

After you conceive next eight nine months are so crucial. You need to be vigilant about yourself and your baby inside your womb. There are certain things that you should not ignore in this period. Here are some...

1. Swollen hands, face and ankles with high blood pressure or bad headaches could be a sign of pre-eclampsia ( a condition in pregnancy characterized by the onset of high blood pressure and often a significant amount of protein in the urine)

2. Itching palms and soles of feet could signal the liver problem obstetric cholestasis, which is dangerous for your baby.

3. Don't ignore any vaginal bleeding(it might be very light bleeding, or brown in color, let it be any don't ignore) - it could be a miscarriage, low- lying placenta or a placenta tear.

4. Being sick constantly - you may need to go to hospital to be fed by drip.

5. Constant leg pain - this could be a deep-vein thrombosis (it is the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) within a deep vein, most commonly the legs)

6. Back pain with a fever and pain when you wee - could be a kidney injection.

7. Feeling dizzy and faint - you might be anemic and need iron tablets.

8. Baby's movement slowed or stopped - Between 17 to 18 weeks you might start feeling your baby. It will be mild or make you feel like a flutter.And will get stronger with weeks as the past on. 
Keep a count on your baby's movement, it should be five times in an hour (don't start counting all 24 hours). And anytime you feel confused, sit down or lie down on your left side and count. If you find less movements, call you doctor.

9. Contractions - If your contractions are painful and regular along with lower back pain call your doctor.

Listen your body and heart, if anytime you feel like something is wrong or feel uneasy with no reason. Call your doctor. If there is any problem you will get help or if all is good, you will relax tension free. 

Over to you, Keep sharinG...

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Disclaimer: Above information is based on my own experience, Any action you take upon this information is strictly at your own risk.


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